Saturday, September 25, 2010

A little prayer

Sometimes all it takes is a little prayer to put things back into perspective. I was feeling a little down and sorry for myself tonight and just wanted to get in bed and sleep it off. I reached for my scriptures to read a few verses hoping a diving verse or two might have been added saying something to the effect of, "Mikael you can't see it right now, but life is about to be the best its ever been. Just wait a little longer."
Well I couldn't find that verse so I flipped to my Patriarchal Blessing. Within the first few lines I read, "Your Heavenly Father loves you very much for you are His daughter."
Cue the tears. Well why was I looking in the scriptures for a special verse anyway! I scrunched in a ball and started saying my prayers so I could ask for just a little more help during this tough time...
... Well I tried to ask for help. But as I was about to ask for it, the thought popped into my head, "Right at this moment, someone else is probably praying for a way to find food tomorrow." Well what am I moping about!
So I said a little prayer for everyone else going through a much tougher time than me and thanking the Lord for all of the things that I love about my life:
Little cheeks to kiss
Sisters who call to check up on me
10 blankets stacked on my bed to keep me tight and warm
...and the list goes on and on. So no more moping for me. At least for tonight.


  1. I do my fair share of moping especially at night as I am getting into bed, but it is a good reminder to be thankful for what we have. Thanks for the perspective.

  2. beautiful post Mikael. I wish I could take the hard times away! It is funny how you never forget them, but the sting hurts so much less down the road. And some of those hurts are so personal no one else really knows, so thank goodness for those tender moments and the reminders of why, amidst crummy feelings, life is fantastic!

  3. AHHH, wish I was there to eat ice cream and cuddle into bed with you. Maybe something is in the air, but I have been feeling sorry for myself a bit too. Here is to hoping tomorrow is brighter and perspective is better. Love you to eternity and beyond!!!!

  4. oh man. I didn't even see this post till now! My follow thingy must not be working! Hope you are better!
    You know why you could have even been more sad? BC we BOTH ditched the yoga certification that (I was going to come to SLC) very SATURDAY NIGHT! Lol ;)
    Next time!!!

  5. You are such a beautiful woman. It is ok to do some moping every once in a while. You are a strong person to keep it all in perspective. Love you lots!!

  6. I love this post :) I'm sorry you were sad. You are amazing - I have always looked up to you and wow, I miss you dearly!
