Friday, December 17, 2010

Person First Language

Here in the special needs world, we have something we call "person first language". I try to abide by it because I think it really does say a lot. Instead of saying I know a Down Syndrome boy, I would say, "I know a boy with Down Syndrome". He is a person first, and then, by the way, he has Down Syndrome. Make sense? Here is what I am trying to get at. Lately I have been having a shift in what I call my coworkers.
They are my friends at work, not my work friends.
There. I said it. I LOVE my job. I love the families I work with and I love the other people who work at Kids On The Move. I love that we swap recipes, text each other when funny things happen, know about each others work and personal lives, and even go to Zumba together after work (me being the worst at attendance to that function). Today is the last day until the Christmas break and I am stuck alone at the office, listening to the silence as I wait for my last appointment. I miss my friends at work. They listen to my dumb stories and make me feel entertaining. They always have great insights when I am struggling with ideas of what to do with a kid, or need a good brownie recipe. I love going to conferences with them and sharing my embarrassing stories with them in the hot tub. It is great to have friends to look forward to seeing at work... now I just wish work would end already so I could go home and pack...


  1. I miss Mikael my goofy besties roomie. You are quite the grown-up you are beautiful!!

  2. I love my friends at work too. Sadly instead of being at work with you this afternoon I will be there on Monday wrapping up things before the break. Have fun at home and feel free to text if funny things happen:)

  3. Okay, yeah. That hot tub story? THE best story I have heard in a LONG time haha ! Merry christmas!

  4. I love my friends at work too! KOTM is such a great place to work! I gotta hear this story from the hot tub...
