Shhh...don't tell all the single people out there, but Valentines Day is so much more fun if you are not boyfriend challenged. Yes, in my 22nd year of life, I finally had someone to share Valentines Day with. I have never really cared much about never having a valentine becasue I always had Dad to take care of me. I mean, he does a pretty darn good job of it, so why would I want to give that gig up? Luckily for me, Mom and Dad will always pull through whether I have a fish on the line or not. Well, let me tell you about my first non-single V-day-
I got to Utah on Friday and met up with Nathan at a place where parents of children with disabilities can drop off their child for a few hours on the weeked so they can go out on a date. All the services are volunteer, so it doesn't cost the parents anything. The little girl Anthan and I got has a chromosomal deletion and is only the 8th known person in the world to have this. We had a blast playing her and the other kids, and we were the last ones to leave. When I came home Friday night to T-Bone and Annies, there was a beautiful box of Sees candy sitting on my bed (cute tag provided by Annie). I guess that as luck would have it, Nathan ran into Annie as he was going to get the box of chocolates and he was able to kill two birds with one stone and have her take it home and plant it. In the morning, Nathan called me to wake me and tell me to come over for my favorite meal of the day...Breakfast! We made eggs and bacon and toast. Oh how I love breakfast. After breakfast, we socialized with his roommates for a bit, then watched Iron Man and just relaxed. I had no idea what our evening plans were so I was in no rush to be getting things done. 3:30 rolled around and Nathan lit a fire under my briches because we aparently needed to be on the road at 4:30 to get to where ever we were eating at 5. All he had told me was I needed to dress nice. I hurried and threw myself together and we were off. Pretty soon, we were up in the mountains at Sundance Ski resort. He had made dinner reservations at the
Tree Room resturant...Classy! I loved it! It was the type of place where you check your coats in at the door. The resturant looked like an enourmous log cabin with a crackling fire, indian rugs, and kokopelli displayed throughout the room. I felt right at home! We had an amazing dinner. I got the artichoke fettuchini and he got elk. After dinner, I had an amazing dessert of berries and a creme sauce. I could really go for another one of those right now. After dinner, we got back into the car and I started saying my one million Thank You's. You would think after a day and dinner like that the kid would be done...nope. He still had one more surprise for me. I love surprises! We went back to his place to supposedly go get his other jacket. Instead he brings out a bag and hands it to me. He kind of hid it behind his back and then handed it to me. It was an American Eagle bag and so I was thinking, "What is the world could he have gotten me at American Eagle in such a little bag? Underwear?" Sorry mom, I know you raised me better, but I did say to him, "I swear, if you bought me a pair of underwear" and then I started laughing. I don't think he thought it was very funny. I look in the bag and there was something wrapped up in white tissue paper. I unwrapped the tissue paper and there was a little blue box. Not just any blue, Tiffanies blue. Thats when I about had a heart attack. He didn't know until I told him afterwards, but I got really nervous, really fast. This was definitely not underwear. I opened the box and there was a little blue pouch inside. Inside the pouch...a beautiful silver necklace. The more I look at it, the more I love it. It is circular but had a little dip in the top so when it hits the light right, it looks like a cresent moon. The thank you's started all over again and he explained to me why he had picked that necklace for me. I am spoiled rotten! There is no denying it. And to top the night off, we just sat and talked about how much I love my brothers and sisters (poor kid) and shared a box of McDonalds fries. Now that is the way to my heart