Thursday, August 20, 2009

Keep your fingers crossed

Well, we might have gotten it all sorted out. I went to the faculty meeting on Tuesday and spent the day getting to know the kindergarten teacher and falling in love with the idea of teaching kindergarten because I couldn't get a hold of BYU-I to tell me differently. I finally got a hold of them in the afternoon and the secretary said she would try and work it out for me to stay in the kindergarten class. Not too much longer she called me back and said NEVERMIND! Apparently to be certified to teach up to 3rd grade I actually have to have some experience with children above K. Makes sense, but I was still disappointed. So I havd to break the news to the kindergarten teacher and feel like a total idiot for the mix up I didn't make. So, up until I went to school for an IEP meeting today, I have had no idea what I am doing. I went to the meeting and was able to talk to the Principal afterwards and he said he would start talking to the other teachers to see if anyone would take me. I apologized for the mix up and hoped it wouldn't reflect badly on me. So now I am teaching Spec. Ed. in a resource room for children K-6 for 7 weeks and then 3rd grade for 6 weeks. I am a little worried about the 3rd grade thing but I guess I will survive!


  1. You will do great wherever you land but UGGGGHHH!!! Schools can be so frustrating!

  2. You mean you wouldn't love to be teaching Noah?! That stinks with the mix up and all, but it will be great in the end. The kids will love you. I was worried about subbing third, but it actually was a lot of fun, so hopefully you'll feel the same.

  3. i remember when i was in 3rd grade. i was a pretty rad kid back then, so you should be alright
