Thursday, June 18, 2009

I miss my old roommates

Since moving to Utah I keep asking myself "Why can't I be more girly?" I can't say I have tried to hard but the question keeps coming up. As I was laying here trying to take a quick nap before my graveyard shift tonight, I realized that I probably keep thinking that because I am living with girls unlike any girls I have ever lived with before. I like them and get along with them easily, but I wouldn't really consider them friends. Here are a few dofferences between the old and the new:

New: To try and bond with them I painted their nails (which they loved)
Old: To bond I would moon them. A clear sign they are my friend

New: I have seen them eat a total of 5 times since moving in
Old: Late night trips to Horkleys (gas station) for Dr. Pepper and individual bags of chips were anything but uncommon

New: They own cookbooks
Old: "Hey! I'm cooking up some easy mac. Anyone else wast some?"

New: I believe my thumb could fit in the waist of their pants
Old: Oh, uh, I hope you don't mind but I have worn your clothes for a week straight now

New: Every boy they know they met in class or a study group
Old: We would leave eachother's numbers in strange boys pockets

New: They take ballroom and ballet
Old: Pussycat dolls and a chair. Clothing optional. (totally kidding! ok, not really)


  1. I will be your roommate, it sure sounds a lot more fun than my day!

  2. Hey, I a all in for the pussycat dolls and the chair- and the trip for DP and chips. When can I move in?

  3. Count me in too. I guess it just is a family thing. Don't worry about being girly, we love you the way you are.
