Sunday, June 14, 2009

My very terrible, not good at all, rotten day

Yesterday sucked. I am only blogging about it so I can laugh about it someday.
Yesterday was my birthday. I got a call from my supervisor the day before saying that an emergency came up with one of the families I have worked with and they would be needing me all day the next day. I could use the hours so I didn't mind taking them. So at 7 am I went down to Salem to work with this mystery of a girl. What happened ia she no longer feels the need to sleep and hasn't slept in about a week. She is very self abusive so she needs constant supervision. Her parents hadn't slept in a week either and were beginning to break down. They were forced to leave to go get sleep and people were working around the clock with her trying to get her to a point where she was managable again. Her doctor has been working with them to try and sedate her but all the medications are having an opposite effect- making her more violent. She truly is a medical mystery. My role for the day was to talk to the doctor periodically throughout the 10 1/2 hours I was there to monitor her progress with the new batch of meds. The girl refuses to sit, watch tv, or do much of anything but stand in one spot in the kitchen and have you stand right next to her. So that is what I did, stand, for 10 hours. After I got off at 5 I was supposed to go to another house and work from 6-9. Nathan and I were going to grab some dinner in that hour I had free. The girl taking over for me in Salem was 1/2 an hour late so I had to go straight from Salem to Orem. At this next house, the girl I work with is 15 and has autism. She has something we in the Special Ed. field call learned helplessness. Her mom had helped her learn how to be completely dependent and helpless. I was trying to be cheery even though I was tired from my previous 10 1/2 hours of work. I took her on a walk and then we came back to the house to do some chores and watch a movie. In that time she managed to poop her pants. I got her cleaned up and in the mean time I got a call from the parents of the litle boy I have been working all week with. They called to tell me he just tested positive for SWINE FLU. Yes, I just spent most of the week with him. I called mom to tell her and figure out what the heck I should do. Well, in those few minutes, the girl I was working with just so happened to have another poop bomb go off in her pants. So it was back to the bathroom and into the shower for her. By this point in the day I was hitting my limit. I cried several times (probably the reason the girl kept having accidents) and thinking to myself "How the heck am I going to work if I might have swine flu? and This is the worst birthday ever!" The mom came home late so when I finally got off for the day it was almost 9:30. I cried the whole way home except when I listened to Sarah Lacey's and Chanel's massages on my phone. But then I started to cry again because Chanel was the only sibling who called. Any other day and I could have cared less, but I was an emotional wreck and seemed to be looking for reasons to cry. I was supposed to hang out with some friends after work and celebrate my birthday, but apparently they didn't care much because they never responded when I texted them and told them I wouldn't be hanging out. I also called Shawn on my way home because I could no longer go to his farewell now that I might be a spreader of the swine flu. I was really looking forward to going and seeing the family and listening to Shawns talk. I got home and Nathan was there waiting with a cake and presents. This sent me into another cycle of tears. My roommates doing a double date had to have been wondering what the heck was going on. Especially since I didn't tell them it was my birthday. They all sang to me and we ate my coldstone cake. I probably would have died if it weren't for Nathan making sure I celebrated a little bit.
So, now I am here, kind of laughing about what a baby I was and how terrible yesterday really was. I am waiting for my boss to call me and tell how I can get my work to pay for me to go get tested for the swine flu. I feel healthy but with my luck, I probably have it. It is probably a good thing I didn't make those shirts with my "friends" that say "I survived the swine flu".


  1. Man I feel terrible I didn't call you. I even reminded myself the night before. I'm a loser. I hope all is going better. I do think if you get the swine flu it is from kissing the pig in AZ.

  2. I am glad my beautiful singing gave you a smile for just a min. You should have called and I would have cried with you! Sorry, but getting older just sucks!
